The main components has finally arrived:
The diode rectifier bridge, the transistor bridge and the capacitors.
Rectifier bridge:
The selected bridge is a three phased integrated component with brake chopper included:
Semikron SEMITOP® 3 SK 95 DGL 126
Voltage rating: 1600 V
Current rating: 95 A
The chosen rectifier bridge;
Semikron SEMITOP® 3 SK 95 DGL 126
The diagram showing 6 rectifier diodes to the left and a brake chopper IGBT-transistor with blocking diode to the right.
Two pieces of a 95A rectifier bridge. Might need some forced cooling to dissipate heat from such amounts of current.
Transistor bridge:
The selected bridge is a three phased integrated component with six SiC MOSFET transistors:
Semikron MiniSKiiP® SKiiP 13ACM12V18
Voltage rating: 1200 V
Current rating: 25 A
The chosen transistor bridge; Full SiC, MOSFET-based SKiiP 13ACM12V18 from Semikron
The diagram for the inverter bridge, with the three phased output to the right.
Two pieces of transistor bridges. One for Yngve and one for Eirik. Sharing is caring, but to share a transistor bridge is not very funny.
We wanted a good margin, so we simply added a bunch of capacitance and a very high voltage rating:
2 pcs of 18 000 uF, 500 V, Hitatchi electrolyte capacitors ordered from China via Ebay.
When connected in series, the voltage rating on the DC-link will be 1000 V DC and 9 000 uF. This should be plenty to go around.
These are huge. In both rating and physical size.